Beautiful Valentine’s Day Art
As we learned the history of St. Valentine’s Day we linked our art this week with some pretty Valentine’s cards & pictures.
Our Knitting Projects 2020
We have recently learned to knit in our class. How exciting!! We have to say a huge thank you to Anne who has helped us create all our little creatures. We adore our new furry friends
January Art – Chinese New Year
As we studied Chinese New Year in S.E.S.E. we based our art around this theme in January
Venetian Masks in Art
As part of SESE we looked in some detail at Italy. We learned about the Carnival of Venice & we made some masks to get into the spirit of it.
4th Class Halloween Costumes 2019
Frankenstein Art for Halloween
Our History Tour to Newgrange Monument
The weather was kind to us last Friday as we made our way to Newgrange to see the wonderful ancient passage tomb. The children were thoroughly engaged by our tour guide Gerry who further explained the historical importance of the site. Making our way inside the tomb to the central chamber was the highlight of the day.
Construction in Art & Craft
Fourth Class studied some of the large buildings of the world in English during the month of October. To explore elements of building, balance, structure etc. we also did some construction in arts & crafts. Here are some pictures of this great work in progress.
Maths Fair for Maths Week 2019
Our Annual Maths Fair for Maths Week was a great success again this year. Well done to 4th & 5th Class for organising a range of maths puzzles for other classes to enjoy. Even Mr. O’Donoghue came along to take part in the challenges